紅色圈處為temporomandibular joint。





網頁翻譯:(以下內容來自於Guinea lynx,如有侵權請告知) 灰色部分為原文

Chin Sling :: A Revolutionary New Treatment

下巴吊帶 (Chin-Sling): 一種新的治療方法

The Chin Sling is a revolutionary new way to treat malocclusion caused by TMJ(Temporo Mandibular Joint Syndrome) without invasive dental work. A large proportion of malocclusion cases may be due to TMJ and not to a genetic misalignment of the teeth. After an initial planing, the "Chin Sling" provides support to the jaw, encourages normal wear of the teeth, and helps build muscle.

     "下巴吊帶"對於TMJ症候群所造成的咬合不正來說,是一種新的治療方式,它的優點是 能夠不進行侵入性的齒科治療。有很高比例的咬合不正病患,是由於TMJ的問題所導致,而非天生的齒列不整。在進行一次磨牙手術後使用"下巴吊帶",能夠提供支撐下巴的力量,幫助齒槽正常的研磨和肌肉的重建。




My 3-year-old guinea pig with malocclusion was getting his molars planedabout once a month. Despite regular dental maintenance, Willie continued to
lose weight. I began observing him while he ate and while he didn't eat, andnoticed his mouth was hanging slack - always slightly ajar. A recheck with
Dr. Legendre showed his bite to be perfect. I remembered Dr. Legendre tellingme about his collection of guinea pig and chinchilla skulls with maloccluded teeth and worn down bones at the jaw (mandible). This led me to believe the problem might be the jaw (ligaments or muscles), not the teeth.


We took Willie to see an animal physical therapist, Cynthia Webster. She doubted the jaw slackness was due to ligaments and suspected a muscle
problem: As he aged, his jaw muscles had become slack, making it difficult for him to chew and allowing his molars to overgrow. His muscle response was proved with an electric prod and it was concluded that he required therapy to stimulate muscle tone and something to hold his jaw in place. Something flexible, breathable and rigid.

      我們帶Willie去看一個動物物理治療師Cynthia Webster,她表示:下巴的鬆弛是由於韌帶或肌肉的問題所導致,他的下巴會隨著年紀增長而變得鬆脫,這個問題會讓他咀嚼困難,並且使臼齒過度的生長。而肌肉反應則是使用電刺激的方式進行檢查,結論是他需要接受刺激肌肉張力的治療(我猜這是電療..物理治療的一種),以及使用某個工具拖住下巴的位

I got some scrap neoprene, Velcro, and designed a Chin-Sling for jaw support. Twice a day we stimulated his jaw muscle with an electric toothbrush massage. 2 minutes each side and 1 minute under chin to stimulate the tongue muscle. The difference was remarkable. His mouth no longer hung slack. And he was a different pig. Active and lively. Cynthia Webster believes he had a chronic headache from his slack jaw and now that the muscles had been stimulated and his jaw had support, his headaches, or jaw ache, had disappeared allowing him to eat with no pain.

      我拿了一些魔鬼氈,設計了Chin-Sling做為下巴的支持。我們每隔一天使用電動牙刷按摩下巴的肌肉,每一側各2分鐘,按摩下巴1分鐘來刺激舌頭的肌肉。這麼做的效果很顯著。他的嘴巴不再鬆弛了,他不再是原本那隻豬了..(=_=)。變得很有活力。Cynthia Webster認為因為下巴鬆脫導致他患有慢性的頭痛,而現在肌肉接受適當的刺激,下巴也得到支撐,因此他的頭痛或下巴的疼痛都解除,使他能夠進食。

Willie was first diagnosed with malocclusion in November, 1999. He required planing every 4 weeks until January, 2000, when he began wearing his
Chin-Sling. He has not required any dental work since that time. His malocclusion has been controlled by wearing a Chin-Sling nightly. He is
almost 5 years old now (Aug,2001).










Dentist - Loïc Legendre, DMV, FAVD, Diplomate AVDC, EVDC
Physical therapist - Cynthia E. Webster
Toothbrush - Braun Oral-B Plaque Remover (D 6011) Use bristle end.
Chin-sling (U.S. Patent No. 6,553,945 -- Canada Patent No. 2323228 -- United
Kingdom Patent No. GB2371231)

醫師與材料工具資訊: (不過台灣應該用不到這些醫師資訊...= = 除非要跑去美國 @_@)

牙醫師: Loïc Legendre    http://www.mayfieldvet.ab.ca/drlegendre.htm

物理治療師: Cynthia E. Webster

牙刷: Oral-B電動牙刷 型號: D6011 ←這或許有用

Chin-Sling: 後面那些是電話號碼,在美國也許可以訂做吧...


I used 1/8" thick neoprene and velcro. Neoprene is what wetsuits are made of. It's rigid, yet flexible and breathable. It's 7 1/2 inches in length and 1
inch at it's widest part. The little "wings" attach at the back of the neck to pull the ear holes wide to remove pressure from the back of the ears. If you don't do this - the ears will swell.

Chin-Sling製作方式:(1 吋 = 2.54 cm)

使用厚度1/8吋的neoprene( http://0rz.tw/524N4 )和velcro (魔鬼氈)。neoprene是潛水衣的材質 (筆電的防震包也是),這種材質夠堅硬、具彈性且透氣。使用長7.5吋寬1吋的neoprene。將"小翅膀"連接到頸部後方,能拉寬放置耳朵的空間,這個動作能紓解耳後承受的壓力。如果沒有這麼做的話,耳朵將會腫起。


Side effects: If too tight the conjunctiva will swell. Swelling goes down upon removal or loosening of Chin-sling. There can be hair loss from constant
wearing. Hair will grow back.









(圖片來源: Legendre LFJ. Malocclusions in guinea pigs, chinchillas and rabbits. Can Vet J 2002;43:385–390.)


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